13 مارس 2014

Massacre of Copts in Lybia

The tragic massacre that claimed the lives of eight young Egyptians, including two children in Libya does not offend the Libyan people alone, but all Muslims. It confirms the image promoted by the enemies of Islam and its followers around their blood thirst , especially  of the blood of innocent and defenseless people. Brutality of nowadays Islamic hypocrites is not new, but began with the parent organization ,MB, since its beginning years ago and was revived in Iraq, then in Syria and now is showing its ugly face in Libya, and due to the Libyan government weakness and impunity  crimes are recurrent. The killers belong to a group called Ansar al-Sharia ( supporters of the Sharia) . In fact  They are supporters of the devil .Working Egyptians in Libya ,  particularly  Christians  have become victims to their harassment . They kidnap the victim ,drive him blindfolded to a remote place to torture him and ask him to choose  either to be converted to Islam ( say no god but Allah) or be slaughtered . They circulate the massacre on the net.  Such lousiness is  ultimate proof of sadism of the killers who «have taken their oaths as means to hinder the route to God» as described by the Almighty Creator who warned the prophet saying «They are the enemy, beware of them ,  God damn and fight them whenever they slander “. ("The hypocrites"  Sura in the Qura’an)
After a century and a half of the revelation of the Qur'an and the spread of Islam in all corners of the globe  torturing and killing  innocent people  has become a  devotion to God in the  tradition  of terrorist groups! In any Sura or verse  does Allah  ordain that heinous crime?!  This crime did not occur in the early days of Islam,  and prophet Mohammed ,the Messenger of Allah, was ordered not to force people to be Muslims  and to argue his opponents «in the best manner, so that your enemy become like an intimate friend ».
Egyptians went to Libya to look for  proper livelihood after they did not find it in their country . They sought refuge  to work in the country touted as a sister , was a part of  Egypt in the ancient history, and until recently its rulers requested union with Egypt. But conditions have changed after the appearance of  criminal atonement groups and after the Egyptians were trivialized by successive governments   and became victims for Muslim hypocrites showing off their villainy. This was not the first incident, which exposed the Egyptians in Libya for torture or murder, debauchery  which reached climax by  criminals kidnapping and torturing provost  of  the Orthodox Church  in Libya, and  releasing him after 48 hours of the intervention of the Egyptian embassy.!Who is behind these crimes from the sons of Egypt and its enemies? I call on the Libyan government to disclose and prosecute the killers and to compensate the families of the victims for their terrible loss and restore their families stranded in Libya and may we all apologize to the Copts who have endured and still endure the follies of false Muslems .

شكرالله حطمت الحاجز

 يفرح الكاتب كثيرا عندما يتحقق حلم من أحلامه ، حتى بعد مرور سنوات و هاهو الحلم يتحقق بفوز الدكتورة هالة شكر الله برئاسة حزب الدستور . سعدت لأكثر من سبب بهذا الحدث التاريخى  فهو أولا و أخيرا انتصار للمرأة المصرية التى عانت طويلا من أفكار مسبقة و اتهامات ظالمة بالنسبة لقدراتها السياسية جعلتها تدير ظهرها للسياسة باعتبارها لعبة ذكورية لا ترحب بوجودها . و ثانيا لأنه هزيمة مضاعفة لحزب الظلام الذى كان يذكى نيران الطائفية  واستغل المرأة كصوت انتخابى لصالحه و كدروع بشرية لحمايته . ثالثا لأن فوز شكرالله اول تحقيق لثورة 25 يناير فى ظل الدستور الجديد الذى أنصف المرأة . إنه رسالة لوم من الشباب الذين يمثلون ٨٠% من عضوية الحزب، للأجيال السابقة التى تجاهلت النساء و الشباب والأقباط واحتكرت المناصب السياسية طويلا . لقد منحها شباب الحزب ثقتهم ليحطموا تابوهات الجنس و الدين وليخجلوا أسلافهم من ظلمهم لطائفتين يشكلان نصف تعداد الأمة . و اهم من كل ما سبق فإن فوز سيدة برئاسة حزب كبير سيكون نهاية لنسبة ال 2%  التى لاحقتنا طوال ستة عقود فى انتخابات المجالس النيابية . لسنا فى حاجة لأحزاب جديدة  بل الى حوافز مشجعة للشابات وللأقباط على الانخراط فى الأحزاب القائمة التى تحتاج الى قبلة الحياة ، وعليهم أن يستعدوا لانتخابات المحليات و النواب فى المرحلة التالية .
ماحدث مكسب كبير لحزب الدستور في مؤتمره العام الأول الذى افرز شخصيات سياسية ناجحة مثل الدكتورة هالة التى قدمت رؤية طازجة للعمل السياسى معجون بروح المرأة الواقعية المقبلة على الحياة . أنه تغيير  ضخم سوف يضيف حيوية وقيم أصيلة الى مسرح الحياة السياسية و يتضح هذا فى أمرين : عرفانها للدكتورالبرادعى مؤسس الحزب و زعيمه السابق ، والشعار الذى رفعته  "فكرة تجمعنا "  الأكثر واقعية من الشعار الرومانسى المبهم " جيل يرسم ابتسامة وطن" فمصر اليوم فى أمس الحاجة الى التوحد و التوافق  ثم بعد ذلك يأتى دور البناء .
وقد جاء  فوز الدكتورة هالة شكرالله بانتخابات نزيهة متحضرة بين سيدتين و رجل ، وهى تتفوق بهذا على كل من سبقنها على هذا الدرب  اللاتى ترأسن أحزابا أسسنها مثل حزب الحق المصرى برئاسة نيرمين عبدالرحمن  و حزب الحرية والانتماء  الذى ترأسه هانم طوبار و الحزب الاجتماعى الحر تحت التأسيس الذى ترأسه الدكتورة عصمت الميرغنى ، و من قبلهن جميعا درية شفيق رئيسة حزب بنت النيل فى الخمسينات من القرن الماضى . 
إنه درس بليغ لكل الأحزاب القديمة و الجديدة و بداية لعصر سياسى جديد فى مصر أتمنى أن يتوجه ترشح سيدة للإنتخابات الرئاسية المقبلة .

No Democracy without Opposition*

Democracy can not be completed without the presence of a strong opposition standing  on equal footing with the ruling regime . Actually there is more than one opposition now
in Egypt, but blocked or has faint sound. The channels of Islamic groups  provided an  exceptional service to the court .The splutter of speeches, insults and threats and intimidation , by mainstream religious leaders - and the Muslim Brotherhood in particular presented to prosecutors compelling evidence of their involvement in their induction of ordinary people and participation in crimes punishable by law .
The opposition leaders  must have freedom of expression  and people  must have the right to listen to them , in order to judge them and know  extent of their devotion and loyalty to Egypt .
So there is no solution but to shed light on the opposing views and respond to their  argument and evidence  .The local and satellite channels must give opportunity to wise opponents , both in the mainstream of religious or other political forces , and the broadcasters interview with them without bias or imposing their own views  .  Media is not required to turn into trials of dissidents or to become agents on behalf of governments . The core mission of Media is to provide free expression and opportunity for all political currents and trends  by people who respect and abide by the decent dialogue and realize the importance of people to know all the facts unequivocally . Debate is an art of dialogue that obviates all other weapons. It eliminates spend the  disease defamation and fabrication of charges and rumors that prevailed among us recently , and at the same time lends vitality of political life and television. Prepare us for the upcoming elections and the presidency of the Parliament
The free dialogue if it starts on our formal TV will turn this magical device to  a school , a  public University that qualifies  uneducated  people in the art of conversation and give knowledge and make them understand the value of peaceful opposition. They  will not resort to outlaw practices which racked Egypt over the past years disrupting production and causing the unemployment of thousands of workers and threatening to bankrupt its treasury

*published in Al Ahaly newspaper  

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